
Sofía Dourron



Trinidad Metz Brea
November 2023 - March 2024
Buenos Aires

There is an end of the world fueled by the no-future theories of contemporary extractive capitalism, apocalyptic-financial speculation and the agents of collapse that, in the face of the climate and social crisis, physical and cultural wars and neocolonial economies that crush and displace human bodies and not human, suggest that we agonize in the paralysis of an eternal present. That end of the world that, by dint of modern-Western thought, pushes multitudes to withdraw into themselves, taking refuge in the universe of the self-determined and individualistic subject that asserts itself against any social will that represents a difference, where agency is only possible thanks to the separation of the individual from their natural and/or built environments.

But, in an uncertain and undated future, there is also another end of the world, a landscape still on fire where life, despite everything, continues. There is where we find Ferales: a territory built of fantastic juxtapositions between the past and the present, the near and the far, the big and the small, danger and dystopia, which emerges from the potential of that which subsists/resists: a plant, a slug, a seed, a bulldozer. From these material encounters new bodies are born together with a poetics of transition for a world battered by climate, a kind of fugitive threshold where catastrophe and freedom come together to enliven the ecological and political imagination.

Immersed in this climatic fiction, Trinidad Metz Brea explores the ecological worlds that emerge when non-human entities become entangled with human infrastructure projects, when the Western-Kantian subject — the measure of all things — becomes a multirelational and coupled subject that blurs the differences between inside and outside, making them a porous and drooling interaction where organisms reproduce constitutively. Her scenes of copulation, death, and more-than-human motherhood hint at a resource for hope rooted in a possible human evolution (or discernment), toward a posthuman body and subjectivities.

Ferales thus engenders unbridled lives, which in their multiplicity and monstrosity cannot be easily reduced, divided or conquered. In this muddy territory of reproduction, the figure of a posthuman agency (or the most human of all) that emerges from the cultivation of vital forms of recognition and response to the urgent challenges of the present is finally drawn. An agency that goes beyond the realization of some essentialist self, to give rise to tentacular and permeable subjectivities and metamorphic becomings.

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