Ojalá se derrumben las puertas, the book – a free-standing object in its own right – is part of the same ecosystem as the work it accompanies without being its reflection. Its form dismantles the usual ways in which we use a book: to propose a reading that begins traditionally and is rarefied as it reaches its centre, at which point the pages double in size and the visuals and texts interlace. Texts, images and drawings, new and old, accumulate one after another to build up layers of hands/tools manipulating structures, jagged cuts in the boards interlaced with the structures and tangles of branches puncturing the plywood. The constructive and affective principles of the work are scattered about the paper in a visual essay that, like the work, enunciates a different way of looking at and thinking of these materialities: not as detached tools and objects, each inhabiting its own material universe, but as a continuum of relationships and reactions that feed off each other.